Melriansyah's Photos
Yellow Goby
Gobiodon okinawae
Yellow Clown Goby
The Rhinophores
Hypselodoris Apolegma
Chromodoris Nudibranch
Glare of Tiger Gobi
Priolepis Vexilla
Tiger Gobi
Daddy & babbies
Pterapogon kauderni
Banggai Cardinal Fish
Chromodoris in action
Chromodoris sp
Chromodoris Nudibranch
Baby's day care
Commensal Bryaninops gobies
Sea Whip Gobies
Live in Technicolor
Sepia officinalis
Juvenile Cuttlefish
a bouquet of flower
Amphiprion ocellaris
Clown Fish
The light at the end of the tunnel
Wundi Cave
Hide and Seek
Juvenile Mantis Shrimp
Baby's Eyes
Clown Fish's Eggs
Whip Coral Goby
Bryaninops yongei
Whip Coral Goby
Happy Blenny
Plagiotremus rhinorhynchos
Bluestriped Fangblenny
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