Galante Aldo's Photos
Tiny Cow (3 mm - 0.11 inch)
Costasiella usagi Ichikawa, 1993
Sea Slug
Cleaning Station
Neoglyphidodon melas (Cuvier, 1830)- Lysmata amboinensis (de Man, 1888 [in de Man, 1887-1888])
Damselfish & Cleaner Shrimp
Double Movement
Periclimenes colemani (Bruce, 1975)
Coleman's Shrimp.
A very Rare Crinoid Clingfish
Discotrema crinophilum Briggs, 1976
Crinoid Clingfish
Tiger Sight
Cyerce nigra (Bergh 1871)
Tiger Butterfly Seaslug
Clownfish with Eggs
Amphiprion ocellaris (Cuvier, 1830)
Flash Frog
Antennarius pictus (Shaw, 1794)
Soft Light Blue
Tunicate Shrimp
Look at the anatomy of the eye
Chelonia mydas (Linnaeus, 1758)
Green Turtle
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