Jim Chen's Photos
Panda Goby
Paragobius lacunicolus
Panda Goby
Eulimid sp.
Eyes of the peacock mantis shrimp
Mantis Shrimp
Weedy scorpionfish
Rhinopias frondosa
weedy scorpion
Juvenile Bornella Stellifer
Bornella Stellifer
New life under the sea urchin shell
Lubricogobius exiguus
Yellow Pygmy Goby
Clown Fish
Amphiprion ocellaris
Clown Fish
Under the Neon Lights
Chromodoris magnifica
Magnificent Chromodoris
Space Travel
Cancer gracilis
Slender crab
Sea Turtle
Sea Turtle
Coral Pink
Okenia nakamotoensis
Nakamoto Okenia
Candy Crab
Hoplophrys oatesi
Candy Crab
Red Lionfish
Pterois volitans
Red Lionfish
The Underwater Observatory Marine Park
The Underwater Observatory Marine Park
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