ilan lubitz

Photo Details

View : 221

Upload Date2014-05-01 11:18:42
Scientific NameNembrotha purpureolineata
Common NameNudibranch
Locationmaricaban isl
Diving Center
Lenssubsee +5
StrobesINON Z-240
Date Shot2014-04-20
Camera MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon PowerShot G15
White BalanceManual white balance
Exposure Time1/2000
Aperture FNumberf/8.0
ISO Speed Rating250
Focal Length13750/1000
RemarksAt kirby's point in Tingloy Island I noticed several time that divers which were in front of me, not intentionally flipping close to the wall of the rock, cause Nudibranch to fall down. As it is long down and she moved very slow I had the time to take a shot. This Nidi as far as I know don't swim at all.(Nembrotha purpureolineata)