“Romeo or Juliet”

Photo Details

View : 240

Upload Date2018-08-10 02:22:25
Scientific Name
Common NameSpawning Hamlets
LocationGrand Cayman
Diving Center
LensNikon 105mm
StrobesSea&Sea YS-250 x2
Date Shot2018-06-05
Camera MakeNikon
Camera ModelD500
White BalanceAuto
Exposure Time
Aperture FNumber
ISO Speed Rating
Focal Length
RemarksA black hamlet looks at the camera as the pair performs an intricate spawning dance at dusk. Photographed with a slow shutter speed to show some of their motion. Not sure it is able to be seen on a low-res FB photo, but what appears to be eggs are visible between them, under the eye of the fish on the right.