Photo Details

View : 121

Upload Date2020-12-20 16:59:07
Scientific Name
Common NamePeppermint shrimp
LocationGrand Cayman
Diving CenterDive Tech - Lighthouse Point
LensNikon 105mm
StrobesSea&Sea YS-250
Date Shot2020-12-20
Camera ModelNIKON D500
White BalanceAuto white balance
Exposure Time1/250
Aperture FNumberf/9.0
ISO Speed Rating100
Focal Length1050/10
Remarks"Christmas Rave" A peppermint shrimp (renamed a Candy Cane shrimp for the holidays ;) bops up and down inside a purple sponge. There were two shrimp in the sponge and I framed this shot so that the antennae of the second peppermint shrimp are visible but out of focus in the background. I can practically hear the thumping beat as the shrimp moves to its steady rhythm. Grand Cayman Nikon D500 Nikon 105mm Subal housing Sea&Sea YS-250 strobe SAGA +5 ISO 100, f/9, 1/250th